Tri-County Chapter #125

Commander's Corner

Kathleen Cursh-Gray

Happy New Years to everyone. we look forward to a wonderful blessed New Year with many new accomplishments and serving the veterans of Kentucky.

The information given here is given freely, with the understanding that no guarantee is given either written or implied as to the validity of any claim filed by the veteran either real or imagined. If the veteran chooses to replay on any information given here from this organization the veteran will not hold this organization harmless now and in the future to any results either real or imagined by the veteran once the final judgment has been rendered by the adjudicating body involved.

Veterans must be ready to answer the following 5 question:

  1. WHO? - Who am I, be prepared to give contact information?
  2. WHAT? What is my claim about, what happen that makes you think you have a claim? What records do you currently have in your possession?
  3. WHEN? When did you serve? When whatever did occurred give dates of service, branch of service.
  4. WHERE? Be prepared to talk about where the basis of your claim happened, furnish dated and time and location, Have you been seen by a physician?
  5. WHY? The veteran has to be able to furnish all records and letters of support given to the veteran in support of his or her claim. These items are all time sensitive at all levels of submission. The veteran is solely responsible of for all dates, times and records of service and records of discharge DD form 214.

You can contact Kahtleen by email by clicking the the link: Tri-County #125

Kathleen T. Cursh-Gray

- Certified NABVETS claims filer.

- Voluntary Service Officer (VSO) Representative

- District Training Coordinator for NABVETS.